Nanushka’s intuitive forecast.

By astrologer Alice Bell

Nanushka. 2024. - © System Magazine

Pick the symbol that speaks to you the most then read your intuitive forecast for 2024

Nanushka. 2024. - © System Magazine


You will be breaking out of your comfort zone as you see more of the world this year. You may be entering into a period where you’re traveling frequently, or you could be inspired to sign up for a course or do intensive writing, reading, and research. In addition, you may feel more connected to your sense of spirituality, and you could be reflecting on your core life beliefs.

Nanushka. 2024. - © System Magazine


You will be prioritizing your home and family life this year. You may be planning to move homes or redecorate, or you could be seeing your family more frequently. In addition, you might gain a greater understanding of your personal past, and you may be focused on nurturing yourself and healing certain family dynamics or memories from your childhood.

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You will be following where your curiosity takes you this year. You might be picking up useful new skills that you can use in your everyday life, or you may be motivated to develop a communication based project, like a piece of writing, podcast, presentation, or video channel. Your social life will also be busier, as you connect with different people and expand your network.

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You will be uncovering your creative voice this year, and you may want to explore various hobbies. You might be injecting your unique point of view into a passion project or a task at work, and you will feel more comfortable sharing your full personality with people. You will be bringing greater confidence to your dating and your social life as well.

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You will be gaining greater attention from other people this year, and you could be entering into an exciting new life chapter. You may receive a big opportunity at work, or a happy event may take place within a relationship. The experiences you’re having and any subjects that you’re learning about will be helping you to shape a new sense of identity.

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Bigger developments will be taking place within your career this year. You might be getting a new job or gaining recognition for your hard efforts. You will want to grow within your role or possibly expand your own business. It may also be that you’re taking on greater responsibilities in another area of your life.

Taken from System No. 22.