‘Subject: System’

By Helmut Lang & Juergen Teller

From: Helmut Lang. To: Juergen Teller. - © System Magazine

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 February 2016 at 14:261

Juergen - where the fuck are you and what are you up to ?

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 10 February 2016 at 17:42

Sorry Helmut

Been ill , took me away for a week , I’m ok . The carpet under my feet went off, Sadie’s too , haven’t felt under the weather like this for a long long time . Family , both sick , who takes Ed to school? Getting out of it , though , felt depressed , birthday times . My mum was 3 weeks ill too. My business partner of 9 years , said he’s leaving . Teaching in Germany…3
This is probably a honest German answer to your where the fuck are you , question
X j
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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 February 2016 at 20:18

Welcome to my world . will check in on you tmrw. - stay strong - hug to sadie , ed , mom and you x HL

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 16 February 2016 at 00:03

Hi Juergen. Took me a while to really respond. But my carpet was pulled away too. I just needed time to realize it. x. H

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 16 February 2016 at 04:24

Helmut , I understand . I’m in your homeland , which makes me feel better , back in ‘ my’ health Mayr clinic4 . How can you live so cut off , nearly entirely on your farm , no driving licence , in the countryside surrounded by the most hideous part of Long Island , not meaning the countryside , but the way of American living ? I’ve been many times to your place and understand the exquisite way things are at your place , like an oasis within a beautiful setting. I always love staying with you . Still , the same question lingers , how can you live like a hermit?
I’m asking this in the most profound way possible , admirable way as I can see so well it suits you so good and you seem very content .

X Juergen

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 16 February 2016 at 21:30

Juergen Happy you are in the homeland. Visiting is great. Living there is not for us.
The rest of your question will take me a bit - has to do with life , need of being loved and what I have to think about is to explain to you honestly why I am here

Because I never envisioned it. I thought I would end up in Greece and maybe I will.

The driver license is easy to explain. I never had the money for it when I was young and than I never did it later

The rest soon. Have to reflect. But going to Texas in April it seems.

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 16 February 2016 at 22:01

Yes , living in Austria in the country , not an option .
Take your time Helmut , no rush . Funny I remember you mentioned Greece before . Now Sadie and me got a house there . Never been as a young German , took Sadie and the art world to take me and I fell in love with Greece immediately .

I heard that from many friends , didn’t do the licence when young and then it’s too late , I understand .

That’s exciting , Texas ! You must be going for your art .
x Juergen
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From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 29 February 2016 at 07:59

i want to use this picture for our article

Me at 15 by my cousin Helmut Teller - © System Magazine

Me at 15 by my cousin Helmut Teller

and i am getting more and more busy
waiting for your response cause maybe time is running out.

i loved my time in austria. X


From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 29 February 2016 at 08:01

hi juergen ,

thats a genius picture !

juergen , i am catching up today with work i could not do - ready tmrw .

xxx H

Helmut Lang, Burgenland, early 1990s, courtesy of hl-art - © System Magazine

Helmut Lang, Burgenland, early 1990s, courtesy of hl-art

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 29 February 2016 at 08:25

Me being 15 or so
Played out by my cousin , also called Helmut ( who got me into photography in the first place )

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 29 February 2016 at 15:50

Juergen, I don’t think hermit is the right description or word. It is true that it is very isolating here and often I feel that way, well, only if I don’t leave my property as you know everything around here it is very much New York style active. The story with the isolation is a double edged sword, at least for what I am doing now. It helps me to work without all the distractions I would have in New York. I recently spoke to Roni (Horn) and she is spending her time also mostly in her place and studio upstate, and came to the same conclusion that a healthy degree of solitude provides for an organic flow to work in. You get at ease with the situation. I do go to Manhattan for meetings or seeing friends and other stuff, and naturally there are a lot of friends coming out here (and more) throughout the year as it is really only two hours away. In addition I’m really not alone alone as I am here with my assistant and others, so it’s not that dramatic.

I do feel since the beginning of this year that I want to change part of these circumstances and am just thinking about how to do that the right way. It would not even be that surprising for me because life for me has always involved a big change nearly every ten years since I was a child. It’s now more than 10 years ago since I stopped working in fashion to solely work in art, and I think I am ready for a different pace. I know that things will be changing again moving forward. Anyway, I will be soon on a plane to Dallas for my exhibition at the Dallas Contemporary which opens in April. I’m pretty sure I’m going to take a plane because the other heartfelt and lovely option proposed by Dennis and Annalisa is that we all go on a luxury tourbus and see parts of America at the same time.

If you’ve been asking yourself this question for years, you’re actually confronting me with the question at the right moment. To be honest, the good thing about working in Long Island is that you can actually see people anytime, but you don’t necessarily have to. I will definitely be more in New York, and you have been at my place in the city. I will also be traveling more again as exhibitions are taking me to different places, and so does life.

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 4 March 2016 at 15:35

Juergen, so asking you back - Are you in a more or less perfect place – no pun intended.

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 4 March 2016 at 19:40

Right now ? Yes , working in my studio late evening
Sorry , now it was me who responds late , but that’s what I mentioned before, I will get stupid busy.
What you mean - No pun intended?
X Juergen
More later xxx

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 4 March 2016 at 20:42

I meant doppel meaning - Mentally and physically.

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 4 March 2016 at 21:44

Yes , working on my own stuff , my assistants here helping , fun , drinking tea and listening to Deutschland 83 soundtrack , being happy home , working on my Bundeskunsthalle show in Bonn making sculptures , which is super exciting and new for me and putting a supplement together for Travel Almaniac about my nannies wedding on New Year’s Day in middle of nowhere in Poland and combining it with my 52 birthday party , which I invited only my polish wedding friends , my office and my Art students from Akademie in Nürnberg where I teach .Wife took my son to theatre , I could sneak back to work , I love it :-)

I will answer your question on the Eurostar train tomorrow and get back to you.
I can see you coming to Greece :-)
Love Juergen

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 5 March 2016 at 10:43

Another one in between
Exciting that you are doing sculptures - How did you get there and what is it about it you are intrigued by?

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 5 March 2016 at 12:25

Right ,
Kind of I love it , we are both doing them now , in a way with our baggage from the past ( if I’m correct with yours ) , at least some of your sculptures .
Some of them I can’t talk about it yet ,
But the main ones with pleasure .
I told you I have this big German government show ,
And then I thought :
Mit dem Teller nach Bonn

And as I have so many self portraits over last 25 years and my name is Teller , which means plate in English , I started to play around with putting my portraits on plates . It’s so stupid and obvious , it’s really good !
Then I strung this whole idea further and right now producing 1.80 m and 1.20 m diameter plates with me on them .
Looks awesome :-)

Plates in progress, London, 2016 - © System Magazine

Plates in progress, London, 2016

My mum will think I lost the plot haha
Then using the Henzel Vivienne Westwood carpet too I think , then thinking about tables too , as gotten inspired by Urs Fischer , who’s gonna help me and we exchange works with each other .
Tea cups too , got cushions .

Super excited about it all X
Just gotten to Paris , good old fashion week

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From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 6 March 2016 at 01:44

And Helmut , I very much understand the working in solitude , away from it all , you know I’ve been to Roni’s place up state and its heaven being up there with her , I see it also how Sarah Lucas lives and works in Suffolk in the country , where Sadie and her used to share a house together . That’s the reason I like my time in the clinic so much , no office , no kids , just walking around in the woods with overweight old people , hihi , not all are that way hihi . I mean it in a nice way . It will be so exciting for you , if your work pushes , forces you to travel a bit , it’s so nice . Don’t get me wrong Helmut with the original question , Sadie and myself always admired you and the way you made a home for yourself and way of living .I just couldn’t do it myself and it slightly bothered me , that I couldn’t . Felt and feels like the highest form of zen . Now being nice and sober , I’m getting there :-))) Wonderful morning Helmut and Edward.
In the clinic they said I’m intolerant to eggs …. How stupid of me I thought . Eggs are so nice . Just thinking about your animals while I write this :-)
X j

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 6 March 2016 at 13:56

haha , everytime someone says eggs is english i think of balls - eggs in austrian are balls - of course i made some sculptures of it - abstract ones - but i just thought i might cast real ones from everyone who is willing to stand in …..
kind like teller and plate - what you are doing sounds really exiting , send some pictures if you can , i am curious .

how is that clinic in austria - i saw the pdf of the book but i don’t really understand what they do - you seem to really like it .

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 8 March 2016 at 20:30

where are you, lost ?

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 8 March 2016 at 21:06

I still have to work to make my living , locked in the headquarters of LV for days and obviously it’s a lot of fun and great pictures . Remember fashion week ? That’s why I wanted to start earlier as I’m not so lucky as you being able to be in semi retirement , another thing I’m envy of you X Soon more I’m photographing now
I don’t use the term of shooting , I never liked that in the first place , but here in Paris doesn’t feel at all appropriate this term
Xxx j

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 8 March 2016 at 21:50

no problem - but get the semi retirement out for your head - i am working like a dog and its a full time - full on situation.

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 9 March 2016 at 13:10

I know I know . But you took it easy for a while , right

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 8 March 2016 at 20:36

yes , because my carpet got also pulled out as you put it before …. nearly at the same time .

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 8 March 2016 at 22:45

I love having these emails back and forth with you ,You know I came to email and computer very late , digital photography only 3 years ago. I always liked a one to one , but have to say I like this email thing with you

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 8 March 2016 at 22:55 EST

well , i love it too – someone will call the “ schmalz police “ soon – whenever y get to it give me the run down on the clinic …


From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 9 March 2016 at 13:40

I will send you some plate images soon , not ready yet and tell you about clinic too .Now , let’s talk about your new work please , Dallas show , I’m very curious indeed . As system magazine I believe wished for some fashion wisdom from you , but I’m not gonna go there , or should we ? Then their question was , what will be the imagery ? Let’s use all your work or pictures or what you like , I’m happy with my picture I send you being 15 years old . What you think ?
X j

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 9 March 2016 at 21:27

the dallas show is called BURRY - which is kind of a heavy contaminated sheepskin. i made leaning planes , somehow on the intersection of sculpture and painting - it is sheepskin transformed and hardened with tar reversing all meaning and retaining only the memory of the material . it touches also on the golden fleece but very abstract and not on the greek mythologie but rather on the real events which was using sheepskins as a way of capturing and separating gold from alluvial fluids . somehow it has a royal power although i never thought about that while working .

i made the first piece in 2008 and then more in 2012 to 2014 and added some wood sculptures and hanging sculptures the last 2 month .

i think its quite strong - ready to be handed over to the public.

i am ready too . its done .

Helmut Lang Studio, Long Island, 2016, courtesy of hl-art - © System Magazine

Helmut Lang Studio, Long Island, 2016, courtesy of hl-art

Otherwise - I think we should not talk about fashion, we just gonna sound like two old men….

Your picture is genius !!!! I am considering my ass as of now at the age 55 to counter your picture but am still checking …..

Helmut Lang Long Island, 2006 - © System Magazine

Helmut Lang Long Island, 2006

How many pictures do they want?

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 10 March 2016 at 06:26
Sounds super good and I can see you thought this through very carefully and precise . I like the sound of it . Really want to see it . It’s really open what they want in terms of imagery . Yes we are old and too old for fashion comments I agree .
As my mum and my grand parents always said , it was better in the olden days .

I’m not saying it :)
My folks were saying it :-)

I’m doing ass exercises myself , my doctor said my ass is too weak and my front thighs far too strong . Football you see , typical football body damaged result . Next time check out my tight ass . As long as I’m not getting too bored with this exercise . It’s tedious to say the least .

I thought maybe that one image of mine , maybe one of my new sculptures , Same for you , my very first self portrait with my mum and Oma and a installation picture or picture ( s) of your work .
Just arriving in London , so pleased and off to the country tomorrow evening for fresh air and little bit of peace

My mother, grandmother and me, Bubenreuth, 1993 - © System Magazine

My mother, grandmother and me, Bubenreuth, 1993

X j

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 March 2016 at 04:38

so we are dealing with the same stuff - my thighs a way to strong too - walking all my life and 3 times broken leg from skiing , a motorbike running over my foot when i was four - ankle smashed - and a gigantic tumor removed from thigh when i was nine . so , there you go -

i am unfortunatly to unanimated for stretching and exercise but maybe i take it up after dallas . i should really do it.
where do you and sadie have your country house or are you sharing with Sarah?

x H

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 10 March 2016 at 10:41
My lord , sounds like you had a crazy early life in Austria.
Stretching is good I tell you.
Sadie did share a house in Suffolk with Sarah , it belonged to Benjamin Britten , the composer . She ended up selling her share to Sarah and bought another one in a even more beautiful surrounding landscape .

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 March 2016 at 15:49

Well if you can do it , i can do it - i will take it up till i am as flexible like a german/ austrian brezel - going for a beach speed walk now - getting in shape for things to come .

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 10 March 2016 at 16:08

In Paris , I get up very early and go swimming and do a head stand , while the rest of my crew go to fashion party’s till early hours. They are young though

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 March 2016 at 18:03

i remember, i was doing the same program like your crew - its actually the best exercise ever and not boring at all. miss it.

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 13 March 2016 at 22:37

juergen , you were an “ einzelkind14 “ ————- i will never forget when you said once - i was a einzelkind , i need a lot of attention - which i thought was hysterically funny and honest -

where are you today with that and what do you expect or wish for your life to be?

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 14 March 2016 at 04:07

How funny , did I say it like that . There must have been a context to it .
But yes , it is so true ,
I was my grandmothers favourite grandson , I loved her so much too . So all the attention was on me with the women in our family , aunt included . There is an ugly reason for it though , I think they all gave me so much love and protection , because X j

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 March 2016 at 04:38

so we are dealing with the same stuff - my thighs a way to strong too - walking all my life and 3 times broken leg from skiing , a motorbike running over my foot when i was four - ankle smashed - and a gigantic tumor removed from thigh when i was nine . so , there you go -

i am unfortunatly to unanimated for stretching and exercise but maybe i take it up after dallas . i should really do it.
where do you and sadie have your country house or are you sharing with Sarah?

x H

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 10 March 2016 at 10:41
My lord , sounds like you had a crazy early life in Austria.
Stretching is good I tell you.
Sadie did share a house in Suffolk with Sarah , it belonged to Benjamin Britten , the composer13 . She ended up selling her share to Sarah and bought another one in a even more beautiful surrounding landscape .

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 March 2016 at 15:49

Well if you can do it , i can do it - i will take it up till i am as flexible like a german/ austrian brezel - going for a beach speed walk now - getting in shape for things to come .

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 10 March 2016 at 16:08

In Paris , I get up very early and go swimming and do a head stand , while the rest of my crew go to fashion party’s till early hours. They are young though

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From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 10 March 2016 at 18:03

i remember, i was doing the same program like your crew - its actually the best exercise ever and not boring at all. miss it.

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 13 March 2016 at 22:37

juergen , you were an “ einzelkind “ ————- i will never forget when you said once - i was a einzelkind , i need a lot of attention - which i thought was hysterically funny and honest -

where are you today with that and what do you expect or wish for your life to be?

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 14 March 2016 at 04:07

How funny , did I say it like that . There must have been a context to it .
But yes , it is so true ,
I was my grandmothers favourite grandson , I loved her so much too . So all the attention was on me with the women in our family , aunt included . There is an ugly reason for it though , I think they all gave me so much love and protection , because of my father , his alcohol fuelled aggression , the violence , physical against my mum , sometimes , rarely direct against me . Never he spoke to me , never did anything with me .
So it was the women who protected and gave me everything . Overprotected me. On one level I had an easy ride and on the other side , I’ve seen terrible things , kids shouldn’t see .

Hey , I don’t want to sound dramatic as most family’s have their issues ….

Where am I today ?
With my wife and 2 children and thank god I have them and give them my love but Sadie and Lola say , I’m selfish in some respects and can’t see the other sides . So in this new family set up , there is so many things to think about , everyone’s needs etc .
Before it was my bad dad and the only thing counted was to safe me from him . So it was always me first , when I was little . Does that make sense to you ?

On the other hand if I wouldn’t be so focused and selfish I would never have the drive to push on , to work hard , to press the limits of my imagination . My dad somehow always considered me a loser and I have this complex still and this urgent need of always have to proof myself . Deep down I’m very insecure . My parents both worked in our factory , I came home alone from school , school in Germany finishes at 1 . I was mostly on my own then ,

not doing homework, my mum had no time checking my homework and escaping into the woods behind our house .
Good question Helmut
X j

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From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 14 March 2016 at 16:10

To answer the sec part more clearly ,
I’m happy were I am ,
I’m happy that I care for my family , I’m happy that I can give . Unlike my dad

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From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 14 March 2016 at 16:12

I still need a lot of attention , so does my son and it drives me crazy when he gets all the attention when I want it from Sadie . We laugh about it though. X

From: Helmut Lang
To: Juergen Teller
Date: 14 March 2016 at 20:22

yap , life can fuck you up early and then either you come out stronger and have that drive and love to push forward or it fucks you up entirely and you go down - i had rather bad stuff going on myself till i was 18 and quite like you i feel similar on using the past as engine and not as excuse , but we know its hard sometimes and i feel that it left us with longing for more love than our close one’s can give us all the time - its impossible - but it’s funny that this need does not go away - feeling safe , secure and loved is what we all want but maybe we want to much of it in our private lives - it might seem selfish as you say , not intentionally - its something to deal with the ongoing and find the balance for one self - would be easier sometimes . but its like weather - you can’t really influence it - it changes and you have to deal with it. well , there is no such thing as a constant human condition of total happiness - and the struggles actually grow us into something better and bigger and push everything forward, ironically much more than being always balanced - happiness is actually not the best engine for creativity - so one has to take the good with the complicated. but as G .B. shaw said “ a life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable , but more useful than a life spent doing nothing .”there is another quote ( have to look it up ) saying …… at least we showed up for life and we have the scars to proof it …don’t mean it dramatic too , and we did both show up !!! Do you need attention physically ( sexual ) or emotionally to be reassured - think about it , we all need both but what is the more important issue going forward ?i think for both of us i would say on a professional level we have the ability to be very self assured in our work after we gave all our best and tried as hard as we could - and able to infuse a dose of humor and lightness.

From: Juergen Teller
To: Helmut Lang
Date: 14 March 2016 at 21:10

Emotionally I need attention

Taken from System No. 7.